
Record Breaking Year for Valencia Graphics @ 2010 Orlando ADDY Awards

Our students walked uphill in the freezing cold… barefoot (okay, I’m exaggerating here!), but they weren’t to be dissuaded from making the hike over to Full Sail to drop off their ADDY submissions during their winter holiday. Despite the challenges they all faced, this year was a record-breaking year for Valencia Graphics students! Out of the total 46 Student-level Orlando ADDY Awards, Valencia Graphics students took home 44 of them! Here’s the breakdown:

Gabriel Shockey – Best of Student!; 1 Gold; 4 Silver
Katrina Mustakas – Special Judges Award; 1 Gold; 1 Silver
Christine Cerniglia – Special Judges Award; 2 Gold; 1 Silver
Tina Henderson – Special Judges Award; 2 Gold; 1 Silver
Katie Griesel – Special Judges Award; 1 Gold
Valeria Melo – 2 Gold; 2 Silver
Brian Nutt – 1 Gold; 3 Silver
Leslie Bilger – 1 Gold
Lee Waters – 5 Silver
Adriana Generallo – 1 Gold
Cecili Blair – 2 Silver
Tiffany Ramirez – 2 Silver
Beau Wingfield – 1 Silver
Katie Schrader – 1 Silver
Leah Ortega – 1 Silver
Paola Latorre – 1 Silver
Viviana Castano – 1 Silver
Aaron Fischer – 1 Silver

Two students from IADT were also there to represent their school and claim their ADDY Awards: Deirdre Hill-Joseph (1 Silver) and Emily James (1 Silver).

Thank you to the students and educators here at Valencia Graphics who helped make this such a special year. Also, thank you to the American Advertising Federation-Orlando, Ad2 Orlando and all of those who volunteered their time to participate on the ADDY Committee.

Congratulations to all students and professionals who won Orlando ADDY Awards! Good luck at the District ADDYs!


Categories:   achievements, competitions, events, general info


  • Posted: February 28, 2010 12:11

    Kevin M. Scarbrough

    ATTN STUDENTS: I will you for every silver ADDY you do not forward. 1) I know it costs money. 2) I know students are poor. 3) I... I just... I just don't care. Sell your car, sell your radio and that 8-track player that your sugar mommah gave you, sell your blood, sell someone else's blood. Upon graduation, you are going to go into the world and say, "HEY! You with the money. GIMME SOME!" And they will. But to make money, you must spend money. You are young, hungry, talented, and brilliant. But so are a lot of other people. Including to the other VCC winners who are reading this, laughing, giggling, forwarding it to their friends, and dreaming of. .of. .getting. .that. .job. Ergo, go. Valencia helps build your book, and these awards can help you build that reputation. I know what I said about awards, and I stand by that -- for me, in my shoes (consider that a preemptive "nyah!" to those of you who took notes. Bastards). In your shoes, SELL THE BLOOD OF ROCKS YOU'VE STOLEN IF NECESSARY to make this happen. Then sell the rocks.
  • Posted: February 28, 2010 12:12


    FOUR special judges awards?!?! is valencia so awesome that they're just creating more and more awards to give to our amazingly talented students? i think so! keep kicking butt, please! =]
  • Posted: February 28, 2010 12:13

    Kevin M. Scarbrough

    >>>ATTN STUDENTS: I will you for every silver ADDY you do not forward. Correction: I will hate you for every silver ADDY you do not forward. (I'd blame the hangover but that would seem childish. I'll blame the hooch and probably Kristy and maybe that kid eyeballing me across the airport).
  • Posted: February 28, 2010 13:25

    Valeria Melo

    How do you go about fowarding your silver addy's to the district competition?
    • Posted: February 28, 2010 16:48

      gabriel Shockey

      the forms should be in your folder with the certificates. Just circle yes and fax tem to the given number. I am not sure if you have to pay shipping on the golds since they are automatically forwarded.
      • Posted: February 28, 2010 18:18

        Valeria Melo

        umm... what folder????
      • Posted: February 28, 2010 19:37

        gabriel Shockey

        The one you picked up (or were supposed to pick up) on your way out, at the desk. Better get in contact with someone to make sure you have time to forward your stuff, deadline is March 4th!
  • Posted: February 28, 2010 14:58


    congrats to all!!!! im stoked for all of you!
  • Posted: February 28, 2010 16:07


    DANG! Go Valencia! Congrats to all and way to represent! Speaking from experience about the Silver forwarding advice. I've had Local silvers (two) turn in to Gold at the District level- so it's well worth it. Good luck!
  • Posted: February 28, 2010 16:45

    Gabe Shockey

    Can anyone tell me about the Shipping category on the forwarding forms, do I need to pay for the shipping of the gold Addy/Best in show or just the silver? Just want to be sure...
  • Posted: February 28, 2010 19:48

    Christine Cerniglia

    I believe that it is just for the silvers. Golds are supposed to be automatic. I'm waiting to hear back from Scott about it.
    • Posted: February 28, 2010 21:41

      Valeria Melo

      christine do you have scott's email? i didn;t pick up my envelope last night, i had no idea there even was an envelope to pick up :( i need to contact him or someone in AAF that can help me with this issue
  • Posted: February 28, 2010 20:12

    Kevin M. Scarbrough

    I believe, even with the golds, you have to fill out a form. Double check with Kristy, she knows this stuff.
  • Posted: March 1, 2010 07:20


    congrats to all!! Specially Gabe, Tiff and Leah!! WOHOO!!
  • Posted: March 1, 2010 12:47

    record breaking year for valencia graphics at 2010 orlando ADDY awards « giving opportunity

    [...] [...]
  • Posted: March 1, 2010 14:00


    Hey, I'd love to see the work that won, is there a gallery (electronic or physical) where you can see them all?
    • Posted: March 2, 2010 13:21

      kristy pennino

      we usually post a flickr set for the ADDY winning work each year. we're in the process of collecting samples for that now. it generally takes several weeks to get all of the visuals collected and uploaded, so keep an eye out on our blog/flickr account in the next few weeks.
  • Posted: March 1, 2010 15:03


    You are always able to email the chapter that handled the event for all the info. For Local ADDYs contact the current President and/or VP of the OAF (Orlando Advertising Federation): For District ADDYs you'll have to keep track of when they announce the winners in Miami and contact the 4th District AAF President and/or VP: Do not wait to be emailed whether or not you won at District.. start emailing the weekend of the event or at the very least the Monday immediately after. You email should just be something simple and formal. A greeting, your name, school, list the pieces you won for, and any questions you may have. Even if you already have a form you may still email them with questions. They will understand the importance because it's their annual awards ceremony and they want as many people in as possible. GOOD LUCK!! And remember a Silver at Local could turn into a Gold at District and even National!
  • Posted: March 1, 2010 15:05


    Also.. Congratulations to everyone!!! Valencia graphics definitely shine above the rest and it's an outstanding accomplishment!!
  • Posted: March 2, 2010 01:03

    Charles Caldwell

    ahhhhhhhhhhh Real monsters!!! get it? anyone? congrats you guys!
  • Posted: March 2, 2010 01:14

    Xavier Vanegas

    Congratulations! This is amazing! peace and love
  • Posted: March 2, 2010 18:48


  • Posted: March 3, 2010 09:14


    CONGRATS TO everyone...........and Big congrats to TINA, KATIE G, and PAUOLA L. :) you guys rock...thank you for all your dedication to your work.
  • Posted: March 4, 2010 23:59


    YAY!!! Congrats everyone :D Keep making us proud! D*
  • Posted: March 8, 2010 15:27

    Meg Curtiss

    Simply Amazing! Congratulations!