
AIGA Orlando – Armin Vit

When: Thursday, July 22, 2010
Time: 6pm – 8pm
Where: TBA

Born and raised in Mexico City, Armin is a graphic designer and writer now living in Austin, Texas. He is a co-founder of UnderConsideration, a graphic design firm and publishing enterprise all rolled into one. While he has written for most of the well-known trade publications, he is better known for his writing on the blogs that make up the UnderConsideration online network, as well as from the books he has co-authored with his wife and partner, Bryony Gomez-Palacio — their most recent efforts being Graphic Design, Referenced and the self-published Flaunt. Armin spends a modest time on the road lecturing on any number of topics and can be found anywhere from San Diego to Berlin. Through UnderConsideration’s Department of Design he designs corporate identities, books and web sites for a few clients.

A behind-the-scenes look at the mysterious world of UnderConsideration, revealing how two people can appear to do so much (i.e., it involves waking up at 5:30 am). Focusing on three case studies — among them Graphic Design, Referenced — Armin will share how unglamorous the work of a designer, writer and self-publisher really is.

This event is brought to you by the Orlando AIGA. Keep an eye out for location and cost updates from AIGA Orlando’s website! To receive announcements for future events, make sure you’ve “Liked” them on Facebook:

Categories:   events, general info


  • Posted: June 17, 2010 15:31

    Kevin M. Scarbrough

    I've heard Armin speak before (and I'm changing travel plans to attend this event to hear him again). I cannot stress highly enough how crucial this talk could be to your career. The man is brilliant.