
It's true: Barbara Peterson's Retiring!

Enjoy Retirement billboard

If you’re driving on 408 towards east campus (near the pine hills exit) on April 8th you may just see this billboard with Barbara Peterson saying “Enjoy Retirement! VCC’s creative voice will be missed”. We all never thought the day would come, but it has. Valencia’s graphics program chair, Barbara Peterson, is retiring at the end of the semester. Barbara began teaching for Valencia in 1977 and has been the program chair since it began over 20 years ago.

The time has come for us to wish Barbara luck as she enters a new chapter of her life. During her 30+ years of service to Valencia Community College she has tirelessly given of herself to teach, mentor, advise, and inspire others. It’s estimated that over Barbara’s career she taught in excess of 400 classes, teaching nearly 5,000 students. There’s no doubt that she has helped shape the Orlando creative community. She has crossed paths with countless students, faculty, and professionals who sincerely admire her dedication over the years to Valencia and the creative industry. In fact, it’s hard to think of Valencia’s graphics program – without thinking of Barbara.

{tribute} Commemorating Barbara Peterson's careerBarbara, has touched the lives of so many of us. To commemorate her career, in collaboration with Valencia colleagues, alumni, students, as well as industry professionals, we’ve created a 110 page book dedicated to Barbara. This book contains contributions from only a fraction of those Barbara has influenced over the years. I’m confident this book will help her reflect on her outstanding career. We hope it helps her remember not only how much she has achieved but everyone that she’s impacted over the years as well as great memories working at Valencia. As sad as we all are to see her leaving us, we are smiling with the pride we share with her.

Barbara, you are an amazing person and will truly be missed. We’re certain you will look back and miss your days at Valencia. But don’t you worry, your program is in good hands!

Barbara, congratulations on your retirement and best of luck in the next chapter of your life!

A BIG THANKS to everyone who participated in this project. If you are interested in purchasing the book you can visit blurb’s web site. We’ve posted several of the submissions in flickr for you all to view. Thanks again to Elly and the team at Clear Channel for the recognition on the day of Barbara’s retirement party!

It’s not too late to RSVP for her retirement party that is being held on East campus from 12-2pm on April 8th. If you can’t make it to her retirement party email me at akern [at] and I’ll send you information about our end of year graduation party.

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  • Posted: April 8, 2008 06:37


    as much as I want you to enjoy your life stress-free from Valencia, you still have to come and visit us all the time! it'll be a weird transition if you don't. How about monday and wednesday in west campus, and tuesday and thursday at east, eh? sounds like a plan?!? =P pleaseeeee enjoy yourself & your family, travel, visit, learn and live a little (or a lot, depends on you) and still think of us because we always think of you! okay, too early. must go now. =]
  • Posted: April 8, 2008 07:21


    Barbara, Thank you so much for everything! You made it such an easier process getting back into school for me. You were always there to help out and answer any questions that I had. Also your words of encouragement came at the times just when I needed to hear them! I truly appreciate it! Now is the time to go out and have some fun. Enjoy life and do all those things you never had time to do because you were helping all of us crazy students! :-) Best of luck to you, you will be missed!! Jennifer
  • Posted: April 8, 2008 09:32

    Efrain Lugo

    Your hard work is much appreciated! Thanks, now enjoy some good old fashion retirement and that social security. I hope its there for me when I retire :) -Wish you the Best Ef - Dog
  • Posted: April 8, 2008 11:45


    Without you Valencia's graphics program wouldn't be what it is today. You can truly be proud of this amazing accomplishment. Only few people ever achieve what you have achieved, touching the lives of so many! Thank you and of course, Congratulations! Claudia
  • Posted: April 8, 2008 12:45

    Nathan Pastor-Lutzo

    Barbara it has been a pleasure learning and working with you and I know ive talked to you before concerning your retirement and as always, I wish you the best with lots and lots of good times! You along with the entire graphics department at VCC have been a HUGE influence on my life and my own direction. Take it as easy as you can.
  • Posted: April 9, 2008 23:37

    Carsten Rieger

    Dear Barbara, What an inspiration you have been and forever will be. You clearly have always been my mentor in encouraging me to follow my dreams in web design and development and yes, initially it was tuff to receive my first ice-breaker gig as a new graduate, however since that first opportunity I have never looked by. I have been privileged to have worked with and contributed to some of the greatest brands on the market today, such as recently completing a contract with as web art director for the 2007 Holiday season. Yes, Barbara you motivated me to persevere and become the best that I can. Thank you so much for all that you have done for me and so many other aspiring Valencia Community College design students. I am extremely proud and grateful to have learnt from you as a friend, a professor and a mentor ….. BARBARA … YOU... ROCK !!! Undoubtedly, your knowledge, enthusiasm and gentle words of encouragement will be dearly missed by all that you have worked with. Barbara, have influenced many lives in Florida as well as individuals from many corners of the World. Your International students have attended your classes, learnt all that they could and returned richer with wisdom, knowledge and a spark of enthusiasm and a dream to start their new career. All this they have learnt from you. You deserve to be proud and stand tall for all the fantastic work and inspiration that you have contributed to the digital media community. Below I found a quote that I thought most suitable for you. All being said, I wish you many years of happiness, take care of yourself, keep in good health, and enjoy life with all the wanders that the World has got to offer you. Smiles, Carsten Rieger Your First Multimedia Graduate May 2002 Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. - Mark Twain
  • Posted: April 11, 2008 23:28


    Dear Barbara Besides the fact that you forgot to mention me in your retirement speech, I still will miss you and always remember you with kindness and a warm heart. You were more like a second mom to me, more like a work mom. Every time I try to find words to describe how I feel about you I get a little stuffed with emotion, is gonna be so weird to not have you around, although in the summer you would be missing, i always knew you were coming back, it was like a nice break from each other like when you get to go out with the boys and the wife is at home (LOL). but now is so final like a divorce in which you only get the monthly phone call, sorry I don;t know how I ended up in this metaphor, from mother to wife, I'm crazy, you know. Besides that I just want you to know that I will miss you more that you'll ever know and I wish you a great time in your retirement, when Im rich I will buy you the latest lap top and a lifewarranty for the keyboard. I want you to know that I wont forget that you were the first "C" I ever got in the program, and I will recently for life for it, just kidding lol. Also in your honor we are having a bong fire of all the old stuff we have kept for ever, Yes including the box to Quark 3 What else, I guess that's all, that was my version of your roast. But i could do it only because I feel confortable enough to do it, because you are the best. I will particularly miss your rants on all your students; Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy and all the rest love you BLUE