AMA-MOYA Logo Contest – Valencia College Graphics

AMA-MOYA Logo Contest

The Central Florida Chapter of the American Marketing Association invites marketing professionals to showcase their talents at the chapter’s first logo contest.

This year the AMA-Central Florida chapter will be hosting its first Marketer of the Year Awards program (MOYA) and as a result is looking for a logo, creative treatment and tangible award to represent this event.

Entry deadline is February 1, 2010

The winner will be announced March 10, 2010 at the chapter’s signature monthly event: Visual Branding and Logos. In addition, the winner will receive recognition on the AMA-Central Florida website and at the annual award ceremony.

You do not have to be a member of the Central Florida Chapter of the American Marketing Association to submit an entry. Any public or private company, agency, non-profit, educational institution or individual may submit an entry.

A submission form must be completed for each entry. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE ENTRY FORM. In addition to the submission form a summary (1 page maximum) of why the design submitted represents Central Florida and the Central Florida AMA Chapter must be included as well. Submissions may be made electronically (via email addressed to the e-mail listed below) or on a CD-ROM (Microsoft Windows (2000 or later) compatible.) Clearly mark the individual’s or organization’s name and entry title on all materials.

Although multiple formats are needed if your logo is chosen, the submitted logo should be a JPEG file to be eligible for review.

All logo entries will be posted on the AMA-Central Florida website, the entry with the highest number of votes will be chosen to represent the MOYA 2010 awards

Voting will take place from February 10th through February 28th.


  • Logo design must incorporate contest name, MOYA or Marketer of the Year Award
  • A statement of creative treatment should address recommended color palate and visual display of materials incorporating new logo
  • Recommend the physical award to be given to the honorees—off-the-shelf trophies, medallions or certificates requiring minor customization would be highly desirable
  • Logo should complement the current Central Florida –AMA logo.

Note: Logo submitted does not need to incorporate all design elements used in the chapter’s logo but there should be some level of familiarity between the two.

  • Logo should be bring to mind:
    • Achievement
    • Aspiration
    • Reaching the Pinnacle
    • Logo needs to be designed so that it could be used in conjunction with the chapter’s logo on all MOYA materials.

All entries must be prepared according to the Submittal Requirements.

Each entry must include a completed Submission Form (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE ENTRY FORM) and a summary describing how your logo represents Central Florida and the Central Florida AMA Chapter.

Send or deliver entries to arrive no later than 5pm on Monday, February 1, 2010, to:

American Marketing Association
C/O Rosaura Lora
2362 Flamingo Lake Drive
Kissimmee, FL 34743
407 301-0763

All entries become the property of the AMA-Central Florida Chapter and WILL NOT BE RETURNED.

You do not have to be a member of the AMA-CFL to submit an entry to the logo contest. Any public or private company, agency, non-profit, educational institution or government agency may submit an entry. There is no entry fee.

Categories:   competitions, general info


  • Posted: January 26, 2010 22:55


    oh nice! i definitely will be designing something for this ideas are berwin