AIGA Fred Daunno Guest Speaker
AIGA Orlando would like to invite all design faculty and students to the following speaker event. Free with the presentation of any school ID, we would like the opportunity to bring all central Florida together to introduce AIGA, the upcoming Mentorship program, and just to have some good times with an inspirational speaker.
DAY: Saturday, November 7th
TIME: 6pm
LOCATION: Full Sail EB Auditorium (Building FS3B-106). This building is located near the intersection of Semoran (436) and University Blvd in a the plaza behind the Chili’s.
One company changed kitchens forever. This designer created their logo.
Fred Daunno came to Florida for the sun, but he ended up creating the graphic story for one of the most recognizable companies, Tupperware, in the process. Join us to hear the stories, advice, and humor from one of the most accomplished art directors in the
central Florida area on the eve of his retirement.
To find out more about Fred Daunno, read the Orlando Sentinel article here:
And there will be a contest! A student membership to AIGA, the professional association of design, will be given away at the event.
Categories: competitions, events, general info